
Brent Hunter

Brent launched his travels as soon as he had his high school diploma in hand. In college, Brent studied in England and Austria. During school breaks, Brent took off for Europe and the Middle East, and spent summers in Alaska and the Yukon, working as a guide and member of Southeast Alaska Search and Rescue. Study in Israel led to guiding in Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. Brent's professional travel resume includes several years aboard an array of ships, kayak guiding in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, trekking in Nepal, hiking the Sinai Peninsula, and guiding in Asia, Europe, New England, and Central America. When not with Lindblad Expeditions, Brent works as a 5th grade teacher in Washington State as well as a river and climbing guide with a non-profit children's organization and enjoys an array of outdoor activities, including photography, climbing, white-water kayaking, mountain biking, and hiking.