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Dave Lageson
Dr. Dave Lageson is a Professor of Geology at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. He has a long history (over 40 years) of teaching at all levels at MSU, from freshman students to advanced graduate students, covering subjects such as Earth history and evolution, structural geology and tectonics, geophysics, planetary geology, glaciology, field geology, and more. His research specialty is structural geology and the tectonic evolution of mountain systems, and he has conducted research throughout his professional career in the American West (Rocky Mountains), the Himalaya of Nepal (Everest region), and many other localities. As a field geologist, his primary research laboratory and teaching classroom has always been the natural outdoor world. Geology is best seen in the field and Lindblad Expeditions provides a world-class venue for outdoor education and exciting life adventures in some of the world’s most pristine and beautiful areas.
On a more personal note, Dave and his wife Kim love to hike and camp in the summer, ski in the winter, travel to new places, spend time with their grandkids, and go on long walks with their dog Darwin.