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Dolores Villacreces
Maria Dolores, know by all as Lola, is originally from the large Ecuadorian port city of Guayaquil, but fell in love with the Galapagos as a young girl and has lived here now for over two decades. She is very passionate about everything concerning this unique archipelago: the marine life, the birds, the geology and the conservation programs.
She started dreaming about become a Galapagos naturalist guide when she visited the islands as a teenager. This led her to study Marine Biology at university in Guayaquil, and upon graduation she worked a few years as a researcher and published several scientific papers. She later got the opportunity she was waiting for, to take the Galapagos Naturalist Guide course run by the Galapagos National Park Directorate, and has been working as a guide ever since, now for over two decades! When not onboard ships in the archipelago, teaching visitors about her home islands, she runs her own business in marine safety and travels the world with her husband, Fabio.
Though she considers herself a generalist, she is particularly fascinated by cetaceans, and by observing the reactions of animals in the presence of humans. Her other interests are snorkeling, scuba diving, photography and stargazing.