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Ella Potts
Ella’s career so far, has involved scampering from one exciting misadventure to the next, with the main thread being a keen interest in weaselling her way onto boats and ships of any kind, looking for whales and generally being near the sea. She is passionate about species conservation and science communication - telling the stories, and revealing the lives, of the creatures that often live out of our gaze in the deep blue.
Her early 20’s was taken up with work for various marine conservation charities, surveying for whales and speaking to public audiences. This meant a lot of time spent on headlands and the decks of ships, in often less than preferable weather conditions, binoculars in hand and clipboard at the ready. This journey into the world of conservation led her to the Scottish Hebrides, which she made her home for a large chunk of her adult life.
This passion for conservation and storytelling led her into expedition travel and then latterly into Wildlife Filmmaking. Being able to engage a global audience on an emotional level and tell the stories of the ocean’s animals and the world that they call home, is these days, how Ella chooses to try to protect the species and ecosystems she loves. Encouraging a groundswell of public interest in the creatures of our oceans, she hopes can be the powerful spark that galvanises longterm pressure for conservation and protection on a higher, policy level. Ella is currently working on a landmark, blue-chip, natural history series being made for Netflix, entitled “Oceans”.
She is currently based in Bristol, UK and enjoys spending her free time hiking, surfing and generally monkeying around when not out on shoots or expeditions.
My upcoming expeditions
Jan 18 2026
Jan 28 2026
Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands
Feb 7 2026