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Ian Bullock
Ian Bullock is a British biologist who lives in St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, on the south-western seaboard of Wales. He grew up in Cambridge but was always drawn to the rugged cliffs of the west coast, from childhood seaside holidays in Cornwall to his university training as a zoologist in Bangor, North Wales.
Since 1978 he has specialized in seabird surveys, habitat management for endangered species and the conservation of remote island nature reserves. For 25 years he worked for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPD), as both research biologist and reserve warden, censusing seabird colonies, establishing new reserves for conservation and managing offshore islands. The RSPD is the largest wildlife conservation organization in Europe, with over one million members, working to protect, restore, and manage habitats for birds and other wildlife.
Ian also contributed to the Oceanites Antarctic Site Inventory, a program that sought to identify changes in the physical and biological variables in various sites along the Antarctic Peninsula area. The inventory saw Ian camping on Petermann Island to monitor penguin breeding success.
He has been a naturalist for Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic in a number of regions. He loves the sea, wildlife and wilderness and feels very privileged to be able to share that enthusiasm with fellow adventurers on board the National Geographic Explorer. Ian is the author of Birds of the Seychelles: A Princeton Field Guide.