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John Frick
Although he didn’t set out for a life of travel, John has combined his passions for education and exploring the world and turned them into a successful career leading trips around the globe.
After completing an undergraduate degree in engineering at the University of Notre Dame, John moved to Alaska in search of a more adventurous future. From there he continued on to Tansen, Nepal, where he served for two years in the Peace Corps. He then moved to New York City to teach as part of the Peace Corps Fellows Program while pursuing a master’s in science education from Teachers College, Columbia University.
John began leading family programs to Mediterranean sites of antiquity during his summers, and this quickly expanded to other regions: Africa, India, Antarctica, the Transatlantic, Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, Alaska and the South Pacific.
As comfortable exploring archaeological and cultural destinations as he is leading expeditions to the world’s most remote areas, John looks forward to sharing his enthusiasm for the best in travel with guests of Lindblad-National Geographic. When possible, he especially enjoys sharing his knowledge of astronomy and expertise in stargazing from the deck of a ship.
My upcoming expeditions
Sailing the Greek Isles aboard the Sea Cloud Fleet
Jun 5 2025
Jun 12 2025
Jun 19 2025