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John Kernan

After graduating from Humboldt State University with a B.Sc. double-major in marine biology and zoology, he focused his academic attention on graduate work with marine invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest Coast. During his formative years he worked as a docent and volunteer with the California Academy of Sciences Steinhart Aquarium.

He later turned his attention to the expedition cruise industry in 1989 where he found his natural calling. Since then John has functioned as a zodiac driver, lecturer, and expedition leader for a number of companies. John has spent over 20 seasons in the Arctic (North Pacific & North Atlantic) and is very familiar with many Arctic natural history elements. His main focus is on Arctic plants and marine life. 

He has been an avid SCUBA diver since 1981, particularly in cold and temperate waters. He has led trips to every continent with a keen focus on the tropics and polar regions. His passions include sailing, birding, photography, astronomy, and invertebrate zoology. John makes his home in the San Francisco Bay Area.