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Joseline Cardoso

Joseline is originally from the city of Quito; she was born in 1983 and came to live in the Galapagos at the age of ten, when her family moved to the islands. She remember this as the best thing that has ever happened to her, as she always had said that “your heart is not where you were born, but where you feel happy” and she really believes that she was meant to live and grow in this islands.

As for her studies, she attended for the most part her basic education in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island; during her senior year at high school, she went for an exchange student program to Illinois in the States. Shortly after, she moved to Italy and remained there for a year and a half studying and working, however the thoughts of the warm weather and the lovely ocean made her come back to Galapagos. For the last four years she has been attending the University of “Espiritu Santo” in Guayaquil to obtain her degree in Tourism administration and hotel management. She will be finishing her program in December and her goal will be to continue her studies which include her master degree in the Protection of Natural Areas and to become fluent in French.

Joseline like animals, the water and the outdoors activities, which is the main reason why she became a Naturalist in the Galapagos. She planted this thought in her mind after taking a cruise around the islands, and seeing how the naturalist were imparting not only knowledge about nature but the message of conservation and preservation. She has been guiding for three year now in several languages, Spanish, English, Italian and a little bit of French.