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Lourdes Flores
Lulú grew up in Mexico City. She studied Biology at the National University of Mexico (UNAM) and graduated in 1991 after writing her thesis on the behavior of orcas in captivity. She obtained her Masters degree in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington. Her thesis' work was based on a project to involve local coastal communities in marine conservation programs in the community of Bahía Asuncion, within the El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve, Baja California Sur in 1993-1995. At this time, Lourdes started traveling with Lindblad guests, sharing her experience and her passion for the Peninsula and the Gulf of California. At this time, she also started working for the Mexican Non Governmental Organization PRONATURA, dedicated to the conservation of the biological diversity of Mexico. Currently, she works in the implementation of coastal projects in the peninsula and its’ islands, as an independent consultant, from her home-office in Olympia, Wa., where she resides with her husband and son.