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Max Geise
Max Geise is an accomplished outdoor professional born and raised in Denver, Colorado. He grew up skiing, biking, hiking, camping, and fishing in the Rocky Mountains, and still enjoys watching thunderstorms break on the plains or the sunset over snow-capped peaks. At 18, he moved to Vancouver, British Columbia to attend the University of British Columbia for a degree in Kinesiology. He now calls the Coast Mountains of BC home, where he has worked the last few years as a ski patroller and park ranger. Most recently, he has reinvigorated the volunteer ski patrol program at Mt. Seymour Resort as their Mountain Safety Coordinator.
When he is not patrolling the slopes or walking through towering coastal rainforests, Max can usually be found exploring the beauty of the Pacific Northwest on his skis, bike, or on a surfboard. Max is an adventurer at heart and prioritizes life-long learning. His curiosity has brought him to 6 continents and countless mountain ranges, deserts, and beaches. His passion is to engage others to explore the natural world in a safe and responsible manner, and to preserve it for the enjoyment of future generations.