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Rose Willock
Born in Montserrat and educated in the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and the U.S., Rose has worked in the field of broadcast communication for the majority of her working life. As program manager of the national broadcasting system, Radio Montserrat, she has traveled extensively throughout the region researching and producing programs. Her interest and knowledge of the Caribbean grows out of her love of geography and, in particular, the history and culture of the Caribbean. This interest has encouraged her to be part of programs related to the environment. A life member of the Montserrat National Trust, Rose coordinated a Conservation Education Program for the Trust in association with RARE and continues to be actively involved in a variety of programs and projects aimed at understanding the Caribbean reality and assisting others to do so. Her involvement in community work and broadcasting led to her being honored by Queen Elizabeth II and presented with the M.B.E. (Member of the British Empire). Presently, Rose is engaged in extensive research into the folkways of Montserrat as recalled by the senior citizens for future publication.