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Sara Poisson

The seas called Sara as early as high school. She spent the summer of her junior year aboard the Tallship, the Californian, learning about oceanography and how to sail up and down the coast of California. She started out with Lindblad Expeditions in 2005 as a Video Chronicler traveling to the Galapagos Islands and to Baja California. She has since gone on to make her first wildlife documentary spending 2 months on Isla Rasa in the Midriff Region of Baja California. This tiny island is an amazing breeding colony of Heermann’s Gulls, Elegant Terns and Royal Terns.

On board ship in Baja California, she also met her naturalist husband, Alberto Montaudon. Subsequently, Mexico and Baja California have become a significant part of her life. The past year has been filled with wildlife adventures in Mexico seeking out some of the most spectacular birding sites in this amazing country. She is committed to sharing her passion for natural history and continue making wildlife documentaries with her husband, Alberto. Interpreting nature and giving praise to its beauty, she is thrilled to be doing what she loves.