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Shawn Gardner
Shawn was reared in the north-woods of Wisconsin, where he spent most of his free time camping, hiking, and fishing with his grandfather. Several years of urban dis-quiescence while attending the University of Wisconsin wrought a post collegiate flight (via beater pick-up truck) to Alaska in 2007. He has spent the subsequent summers submerged in the Bush, guiding at numerous remote lodges, and garnering an intimate relationship with a variety of salmonids, as well as their good friend: Ursus arctos horribilis. When Alaska's rivers harden, he trades his tents and tarps for the turquoise tranquility of the Caribbean. His USCG Captain's credential allows him to harness the wind and ply these waters in search of the frolicking sea turtles and vibrant reefs which all but demand the donning of a snorkel for further investigation.
His bucket-list of travel destinations could circle the globe 1.6 times and is only impeded by curious customs agents' constant questioning of his insistence to travel with a fly rod and banjo.