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Tom Mcallister
Writer-lecturer Tom McAllister, a wildlife science graduate of Oregon State University, was outdoor editor for 40 years with The Oregonian daily newspaper in Portland, Oregon. In a lifetime of reporting on wildlife, fishing and outdoor recreational pursuits, he has had an ongoing interest in the earliest explorations of the Pacific Northwest, especially the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the fur trade era that followed while Great Britain and the United States jointly occupied the Old Oregon Country. On Alaskan, Yukon, and Northwest Territory assignments he's participated in the capture and transplant of sea otters from the Aleutians, the Bristol Bay sockeye salmon fishery, waterfowl breeding ground surveys, 200-mile fishery patrols with the U.S. Coast Guard, sea kayaking and subsistence hunting with natives. Tom is a long-time member of the Oregon Historical Society and Oregon Field Ornithologists and the Wildlife Society, president of the Oregon Geographic Names Board, board member of the Oregon Parks Foundation and Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation, and past chairman of the Oregon chapter of The Nature Conservancy.