
Tom Mullen

Tom Mullen spent over a decade working as a water resources consultant while living in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and in the U.S. He graduated with a B.S. in civil engineering from the University of Colorado in Boulder in 1986, after which he spent time instructing wilderness and mountaineering courses in the Wind River mountains of Wyoming. He later gained his a Master's Degree in Water Resource Systems Management from the University of Newcastle-On-Tyne in England. He has published articles and photographs related to water issues in several magazines. He has also spoken to audiences throughout the world regarding water and river issues.

Tom returned from a three year assignment in Panama, Central America, to spend five months exploring the rivers traveled on by Lewis and Clark, to interview tribal historians, wildlife biologists, Corps of Engineers staff and to research and write Rivers of Change - Trailing the Waterways of Lewis & Clark. He now works as an environmental consultant and lives in Laguna Beach, southern California.