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Traditional Samoan dancers in Fiji
The intense color of the coral is trimmed over the blue of the sea, Munda, Solomon Islands
Local tribes people preform the magical Rom dance at the edge of the rainforest, notoriously performed on the island of Ambrym, Vanuatu
A detail vew of a war tank at the World War II Guadalcanal American Memorial on Soloman Islands
Early morning light on Taveuni Island, Vanua Levu Group, Republic of Fiji.
Traditional Samoan dancers in Fiji
ExpeditionsFiji and Beyond: Rites and Relics of the Pacific

Fiji and Beyond: Rites and Relics of the Pacific

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Explore through the heart of Melanesia to the western edge of Polynesia, from the Solomon Islands to Fiji. Receive warm welcomes in the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu. Be greeted with traditional dances when arriving by Zodiac on remote and verdant shores. Search for endemic bird species, snorkel and dive stunning reefs and wrecks, and soak up the tranquil beauty of palm-fringed beaches.


Ambrym, an island of Vanuatu, has two active volcanoes - Benbow and Marum.
  • Spot rare and colorful birds and flowers on Fiji’s spectacular “Garden Island,” Taveuni, and the lovely and less-visited Kadavu

  • Swim in the spectacular Matevulu Blue Hole on Vanuatu’s Espiritu Santo Island

  • Arrive at Owaraha in the Solomon Islands for a series of traditional dances and music, then walk to see the island’s traditional spirit houses

  • Visit mysterious Ambrym Island in Vanuatu—known as a place of magic and spirits—and witness the traditional Rom dance

13 Days
starts at
Honiara, Solomon Islands
ends at
Lautoka, Fiji

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27

Talk to an Expedition Specialist1.800.397.3348
13 Days
starts at
Honiara, Solomon Islands
ends at
Lautoka, Fiji

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27

13 Days
starts at
Honiara, Solomon Islands
ends at
Lautoka, Fiji

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27


Expedition Moment - Preserving Culture in the South Pacific

  • Sep 2023


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Captain Andrew Cook with guests and Staff on the Bridge of National Geographic Venture, Baja California, Mexico

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Explorations 2025-27