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Sunrise over a small island in Rangiroa, Tahiti, French Polynesia
The ship National Geographic Orion approaching the island of Raiatea in the early morning light, Society Islands, French Polynesia
A kava woman claps at a local ceremony of the people of Sabeto Village in Viti Levu, Fiji.
A guest standing at Wainibau Waterfall at the end of Lavena Coastal Walk on Taveuni Island, Fiji. Taveuni is the third largest island in Fiji.
A guest free-diving through a colorful reef of French Polynesia, South Pacific islands
Sunrise over a small island in Rangiroa, Tahiti, French Polynesia
ExpeditionsFiji and Tahiti: Vibrant Reefs and Cultural History

Fiji and Tahiti: Vibrant Reefs and Cultural History

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Set sail from Tahiti's lush volcanic landscape to explore the sparkling white shores of Fiji. Along the way, discover a fascinating geology and a stunning wealth of bird species and marine life. Dive or snorkel among underwater canyons and tunnels formed from lava. Meet island communities. Survey the far-flung reef systems of the extraordinary archipelagos of the South Pacific.


Woman swimming underwater in clear tropical waters in front of exotic island, French Polynesia
  • Snorkel, swim, scuba dive, or stand-up paddleboard in the clear, aqua lagoons of French Polynesia and Fiji

  • Experience untouched beauty, remarkable cultures, and rare flora and fauna

  • Visit the marae complex of Marae Taputapuātea, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most important cultural sites in Polynesia

  • Spot rare and colorful birds and flowers on Fiji’s spectacular “Garden Island,” Taveuni, and in the rainforests of Samoa

15 Days
starts at
Lautoka, Fiji
ends at
Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27

Talk to an Expedition Specialist1.800.397.3348
15 Days
starts at
Lautoka, Fiji
ends at
Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27

15 Days
starts at
Lautoka, Fiji
ends at
Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27


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Expedition Team

Over 50+ years of exploring, Lindblad Expeditions’ veteran staff and the quality companionship they provide has established the company’s reputation. From expedition leaders to naturalists, most hold advanced degrees and are established authorities in their fields. Some join a few expeditions each year to explore the same sites, some of them spending some time in the field away from rigorous academic work. And others lead expeditions all around the world—with many guests saying, “Where you’re going, we’re going,” and returning time after time to travel with them. Browse our team directory to discover the full cast of expedition staff.

Captain Andrew Cook with guests and Staff on the Bridge of National Geographic Venture, Baja California, Mexico

Special Offers

View our brochure for more details

Explorations 2025-27