We had another early morning wake-up call this morning as we prepared for a morning of Zodiac cruising. It was an overcast but calm day with great visibility, so we headed out and cruised along the very scenic bird cliffs situated close by the 14th of July Glacier.

The particular goal for this cruise was to spot some puffins, which we did! This is the most northerly nesting location of puffins –although they are here, they’re not here in great numbers, so it was very satisfying spotting them among the guillemots, eiders, geese, and northern fulmars. In among the common eider were some of the very attractive king eiders, which for several was their first encounter and another species to add to the list.

As we cruised away from the bird cliffs we headed to the 14th of July Glacier. This glacier is well known for being active and so we were careful to keep our distance. A calving happened right before our eyes, giving us a good reminder of the dangers of getting too close!