For the first day of our voyage, we really got to relax and learn about Sea Cloud with a day sailing in the Aegean Sea. And we were sailing! The first thing the crew did was scale the masts to raise the sails. We only needed a few of the sails to travel at over 7 knots.

While we got our sea legs and enjoyed sailing by some small islands, we had a mix of presentations including Photo Instructor Sue Forbes teaching us how to get the best photos from our mobile phones. Then Expedition Leader Paula Tagle educated us on the geology of the region and Historian David Brotherson talked about Greco-Persian wars.

The delicious food on board was extended to a special tea of freshly made crepes to order. The queue was way down the promenade deck as an indication of how tasty they were!

As the wind was picking up, we sailed into the caldera of the island of Milos with our first glimpse of the classic white and blue houses and churches on top of the hillsides.

We finished the day with getting our best clothes out for the captain’s cocktail gathering and welcome dinner.