Our second full day in the Asmat began with many of us exploring the mangrove ecosystem at sunrise. This region of New Guinea is a massive tidally flooded area consisting of a huge diversity of mangroves. Many bird species were seen, with quite a good variety of parrots. Mudskippers lined the muddy banks and were entertaining as they skimmed the mud.  Exploring this area at sunrise by Zodiac is the perfect start to the day.   

After breakfast, we visited the town of Agats, the capital of the Asmat region. What an incredible place! The entire town is built on stilts as the tide comes in and floods everything around. A series of boardwalks connects the entire town, and we wandered about to experience life here.   Motorcycles have arrived here, but luckily they are all electric and very quiet. With all the “roads” being elevated boardwalks, everyone shares the same paths. The market was interesting, especially to see the limited amount of crops they are able to grow here, and for many of the local fish. The local museum was incredible, with some of the most beautiful art pieces I have seen anywhere in the world.   

In the afternoon, we set out once again for our final exploration of the Asmat. Some returned to the mangroves to look for more birds and wildlife. One gem was a gorgeous little azure kingfisher. Others returned near the village to take more photos. And some explored a side tributary by kayak. A quiet paddle down a mangrove river in the Asmat—what an incredible way to end our day!