After landing in Agropoli, the breeze carried the scent of the Mediterranean, a prelude to the historic wonders of Paestum just a short drive away. The coastal town, with its rocky shoreline and deep-blue waters, set the scene for a journey back in time. As we traveled inland, the landscape transformed into verdant fields, a reminder of southern Italy’s ancient agricultural roots.

Arriving in Paestum, we were greeted by three magnificent Greek temples, each standing tall amidst a vast archaeological site. The Temple of Hera, the oldest of the trio, exuded a timeless elegance, its Doric columns still largely intact after millennia. The Temple of Neptune, perhaps the most imposing, felt almost alive, its grandeur a testament to the engineering prowess of the ancient Greeks. The quieter Temple of Athena, perched slightly uphill, offered panoramic views of the surrounding plains.

Walking among these ruins, we could imagine the thriving Greco-Roman community that once lived here. The blend of art, religion, and daily life, preserved in both the temples and the museum artifacts, brought ancient Paestum vividly to life, making it an unforgettable day in the heart of Campania.