Our last day of this expedition was to be one of our favourites, yet this was unknown to us as we munched on Muesli, enjoyed fresh mango or a hot breakfast on the open deck as National Geographic Orion elegantly slipped into position by Waigeo Island in Raja Ampat. Zodiacs were swiftly deployed and we zipped around limestone bluffs whispering with gentle zephyrs, ruffling the feathers of exotic birds – incredible hornbills, sea eagles and parrots whirred and glided overhead.

We donned our skintight tiger suits and underwater adaptations and dropped into an unbelievable fairytale world of colours and forms that was at once mesmerizing, enchanting and fathomless. Feather stars did their best to impress upon us that one did not need to fly to use delicate wings to catch nutrients on underwater currents. Softer corals of vibrant colours such as gorgonians drew new fans who gazed in awe at her sprawling, artistic branching structures. A banded sea krait spiraled into view and paddle tailed to breathe at the surface – as inquisitive of us as we were of it. An octopus was spied shape-shifting into corally crevices, releasing its identity, then morphing into an algae covered rock before fading into the inky blue depths below.

A barracuda torpedoed into range and kept its distance. A hawksbill turtle shoved its beak into a crack to nibble on a savoury sponge, tropical fish of such diversity kept us engaged as the current of wonder gently carried us along a limestone wall past numerous communities of oddly shaped and coloured creations of nature that stunned our imaginations. A carpet of corals gratefully held out open hands to the warm sun and created an intricate network of habitats for yet more beautiful Piscean aquariums.

After a most delightful luncheon we returned snorkel gear, rested, shared experiences and photographs, lounged for a siesta on the sun deck then enjoyed scenic ship cruising through the myriad of mazelike watery channels that characterize the area and prepared for an afternoon Zodiac cruise among hidden islands around our secluded anchorage. Returning home to National Geographic Orion we refreshed ourselves for Captains Cocktails and our expedition leader Michelle thanked her team and the many people responsible for creating such a wonderful journey. She also introduced our Captain Lubo who echoed her feelings that we had been privy to a truly unique experience among one of the world’s most amazing archipelagos and such good company. A wonderful Captain’s Dinner was enjoyed by all as the stars rose and the hours slipped away – tomorrow we would return to our various ports, families, friends that awaited us and our tales – hopefully we will reunite somewhere soon out in the big blue ocean and share another spectacular adventure. For now it is goodbye!