This morning we had the opportunity to visit a local community called Amazonas, the women of this settlement a part of a very well-organized group called MINGA, that provides social awareness, sexual and health education to people of all ages.

This community showed us their way of living from extracting sugar cane juice from the plant to dying natural fiber with plant colorants to make well elaborated handicrafts. We also had the chance to walk around the village, see and talk with the locals and capture great moments with our cameras.

After a great morning full of great experiences, we returned to the ship to reposition to next location, our guests enjoyed being in the outside deck since pink and grey river dolphins surfaced nearby.

After lunch and our photography talk, we took our guests via skiffs to Clavero Lake, this is one of the few locations in the whole trip where swimming can be offered. Pink and Grey river dolphins also swim at this location, our travelers enjoyed this activity greatly as they floated on the surface sipping some Peruvian beer.

We came back from swimming and quickly prepared for another exciting skiff exploration by and beyond Clavero Lake, balk collared hawks, monk saki monkeys, parakeets and kingfishers were sported and to top it all a great sunset to mark the end of another great day in the Amazon.