Early this morning, on just our second day of exploration inside the upper Amazon River, we woke up early to be able to get out into the forest at the best time of the day, when temperatures are lower and animals are more active and looking for food.

Our crew on the Delfin II fitted us with lightweight rubber boots, the ideal kind of footwear for a short hike into the tropical rainforest.

Our always reliable skiffs took us ashore to a privately owned forest preserve, adjacent to the river, where after a very short walk we reached a small lagoon, which we traversed in small wooden paddle boats. Our expert naturalist led us into the jungle, and explained to us the intricacies of this important ecosystem. We also we had the opportunity to walk on a network of suspension bridges, so we could get a better idea of the tropical rainforest from above the ground.

For the afternoon, after lunch and some rest, we were given the opportunity to visit the pristine Nauta Caño, either by skiff or by comfortable kayaks. It was a great day to paddle through the calm waters, and this allows to experience the Amazon in a different way.

In total, we learned today a lot about the Amazon, the tropical rainforest and its importance, we had superb views and great photo opportunities of some of the beautiful creatures that live here. We are excited to see what tomorrow brings, as our exploration continues!