The second full day of our expedition on the mysterious and amazingly bio-diverse Amazon started after breakfast. During the walk in the Amazon Natural Park, we had the pleasure of listening to our expert naturalists, who described several plant species that we would encounter, and some fascinating aspects of the ecology of the neotropical rainforest. 

In this location, there is a very special suspension bridge which is a state-of-the-art piece of engineering, built using tall trees to support it. The bridge, approximately a quarter of a mile in length, allowed us the thrill and excitement of walking in the middle strata of the rainforest. At this height, there is a completely different perspective that allowed us to see how the rainforest is experienced by most of its inhabitants. 

In the afternoon, after lunch, we had an introductory presentation about photography with our photo instructor Jose Calvo. We were ‘docked”, although technically rivers ships do not use anchors, and instead are tied to trees using heavy ropes to trees.

After the talk, we explored Nauta Caño, either by skiff or kayak.  In this relatively narrow stream, covered with thick vegetation,  our naturalists spotted several species of colorful birds from the skiffs, like macaws and toucans, as well as a three-toed Sloth and a couple of squirrel monkey troops. Some guests paddled quietly along in our comfortable double river kayaks—they poked under the riverside vegetation and explored, just like the locals will do in their dugout canoes. For them, as I was told later, it was a thrill to be seeing the flooded forest with such intimacy, creating an unforgettable experience.

During dinner, we shared our impressions and sightings while having a delightful meal typical of the exquisite, world-recognized Peruvian cuisine, but mixed with local Amazon flavors in this case. Finally, late in the evening, just after dinner, we had a short night walk. It was incredible to be so immersed in the forest, surrounded by total darkness and occasional night sounds.  We cannot wait to see what this expedition will bring to our lives tomorrow, and we went to bed dreaming of the possibilities.