It was a wonderful second day at the Peruvian Amazon, full of biodiversity and great learning experiences for everyone. We had the chance to hike in a primary forest at the Amazon Natural Park in the morning, and then we navigated to the Nauta Caño, which gave us the best of both worlds!

The morning started with a hike among the giant emergent trees of the Amazon, and we observed all different species of flora and fauna that inhabit this area. From beautiful heliconias blooming, to toads and amazing caterpillars, this place was literally full of natural treasures waiting to be discover by our naturalist team from the Delfin II. What a great start to this new day.

Our day continued with a delicious lunch, and we all agreed that this is another great way to discover the Amazon, by tasting its local cuisine.

After lunch, we all got ready for an afternoon skiff ride at Nauta Caño, one of those areas full of highlights and surprises, such as Monk Saki Monkeys, lots of birds including the beautiful capped heron and, of course, the always beautiful landscapes of the Upper Amazon.

Finally it was time to go back to our ship after a phenomenal day, one more to remember and share with our friends on board the Delfin II.