Our second day of our journey began with overcast skies. Today we had the opportunity to visit a private reserve along the Marañon River.  As soon as we finish our delicious breakfast, we geared up and loaded the skiffs.

Our naturalists were so eager to land and show us the wonders of the Amazon Natural Park. This is a private reserve that is considered a buffer zone of the Samiria and Pacaya wildlife reserves. The owner created a lake inside the property, with the main idea to farm the local fishes. The property is well known for its hanging sky bridges, and in order to get to them, we had to paddle through the lake. As we cruised, we spotted several species of birds, which delighted our guests.

We got to the trails that lead to the bridges and we started our interpretative walk through this marvelous evergreen forest. A troop of saddleback tamarins followed us, curious about our presence. Suddenly, like magic, they just vanished!

We went over the bridges, enjoying the scenery. Then, we began to feel some rain drops. Seconds later, the skies opened, and we experienced firsthand why that forest is known as a tropical “rain” forest. It was a great moment, allowing us to feel the strength of the rain in the Amazon. Just priceless!

Back on board the Delfin II, we started cruising for our afternoon destination, Nauta Caño.  As soon we arrived, we prepared to load the skiff. We were so eager to see what this place had to offer us.

Some of our guests decided to explore the place by kayak. They were all amazed by the pristine forest and the diversity of birds and vegetation. And as a grand finale, another troop of saddle back tamarin showed up to spy on us. What a great way to finish this fantastic day!