The first sunrise in the morning paints the sky a mixture of vivid colors. This was the signal that a new day of exploration in the Amazon Basin was starting.  The Amazon Natural Park was our first objective of exploration. A comfortable dry landing on “terra firme” area was going to give us the opportunity of experiencing the calling of different birds found farther inside the jungle.  In order get to the beginning of the trail, we had to take a catamaran canoe.  Our short trip in the boat took us through a forest decorated by the presence of different birds, however, the most remarkable species that got our attention were the long-nosed bats that were sleeping on a tree branch very close to the water. 

Once on the other side, we started hiking deep into the forest. The majesty of the place inspired us, we experienced the presence of very tall trees of different varieties that decorated the path from beginning to end.  The major part of exploration was to traverse through the forest on a canopy boardwalk trail in order to give ourselves a better perspective of the jungle.  Saddle-backed tanmarin monkeys and a small troop of squirrel monkeys were some of the biggest surprises found inside the forest. Once our visit to the Amazon Natural Park reached its end, we met local villagers that demonstrated part of the local artisanal innovations.  Once back on board Delfin II, our journey continued to our next destination.

In the afternoon, Nauta Caño gave us the impression of being inside a jungle paradise. A comfortable skiff ride brought us to the edges of the stream so we could experience wildlife from a little closer. Ringed king fishers, white-eared jacamars, horned screamers, silver-beaked tanagers, and black-collared hawks, were part of the charm that the Amazon Basin let us witness this afternoon.  The first kayaking opportunity took place along the riverside, and a marvelous sighting of wildlife was a pleasant delight inside the forest. The arrival back to Delfin II was lit with a splendid sunset which reminded us that tomorrow the Amazon would offer even more for us to explore.