Early this morning Sea Cloud arrived to the Amorgos Island, the most remote of the Cycladic Islands. After a splendid breakfast in the dining room, we all gathered by the gangway eager to disembark at the town of Katapola. After a short scenic drive up and over to the other side of the island we visited the 11th century monastery of Panagia Hozoviotissa, built in honor of the Virgin Mary. As we slowly climbed the 300-plus steps to reach it, we were truly impressed by the location chosen for its construction. The white, eight-story building of this monastery literally hangs from the side of a very steep rocky cliff. After visiting the monastery, we got back on our private bus to backtrack to the hilltop Chora (town), to continue exploring by foot, the narrow, old, stone walkways. We were pleasantly surprised to find after every curve a beautiful, picturesque little café or restaurant. Each one more beautiful than the previous!

After another superb lunch aboard Sea Cloud, we raised anchor to continue to our next destination. Leaving behind the protection of the little bay of Katapola, we got into 30-plus knot winds. As we comfortably enjoyed the view, the venerable and beautiful Sea Cloud, with fully bulging sails, pushed with extreme ease through a sea of whitecaps. Beautiful Sea Cloud, could have been by now just a piece of history, retired into a floating museum. But the best way to honor it, and its creators, is by putting it out to do what it was so well built for…. to Sail! And sail we did! This afternoon Sea Cloud sailed to our next destination for tomorrow, Santorini.