National Geographic Endurance arrived at the Bertholet Islands before breakfast. The seas oscillated in a light swell under overcast skies as we enjoyed our breakfast. After breakfast we prepared for exciting Zodiac trips through the numerous small islands. Although cold rain increased through the morning, we enjoyed tremendous views of gentoo penguins, a leopard seal, Antarctic terns, and skuas. The diverse and fascinating wildlife were framed by tall icy peaks of the Antarctic Peninsula and numerous intricate icebergs that formed a natural sculpture garden as we threaded our way through the ice. The islands comprise asymmetric rounded roches moutonnées indicating the flow of ice that carved the waterways during the Last Glacial Maximum.
During the afternoon, National Geographic Endurance relocated to Petermann Island for excellent hiking of glacially rounded granodiorite, which represents part of the roots of the Mesozoic magmatic arc which formed above an ancient subduction zone and now forms the backbone of the Antarctic Peninsula.
The evening was capped off by a wonderful dinner and a post dessert transit through the scenic Lemaire Channel.