We started the morning cruising amongst the fantastic tabular bergs that litter the Antarctic Sound.  The waters were calm and the sun was shining as we searched for the best spot to land this morning.  During our transit, we came across numerous humpback whales scattered throughout the sound, likely in search for food.  However, the ice proved too thick for us to reach our intended destination so we opted to kayak in these tranquil waters.  Those that chose not to paddle under their own power opted to get more up close and personal with some of the larger bergs in our Zodiacs.

Once back from all of our floating adventures, we motored back north to where we would finally set foot on the actual continent of Antarctica to a location called Brown Bluff.  We were greeted by dozens of juvenile adelie and gentoo penguins, shedding their downy coats and getting ready to venture out into the great blue sea and begin their lives as penguins.  While most of us were ashore enjoying the colony that lies below the cliffs of Brown Bluff, the dive team took out the remotely operated vehicle to record what lies in the depths, underneath the floating behemoths that litter the area.