It was a rainy and beautifully overcast morning as we ventured to Cape Disappointment State Park for our tour of the Lewis and Clark Discovery Center. The lushness of the ferns and the lichen-covered conifers astounded us all. We began our hike at Waikiki Beach and dipped our toes in the Pacific Ocean, which was ripping with wild currents on this grey day. We trekked up the trail from the beach to the discovery center. The wind and rain accompanied us as we walked up through salal, western sword fern, and bearded lichen; we stopped occasionally to pick blackberries off the brambles. It was a breathtaking journey.

We cozied into the incredibly informative discovery center and viewed the interpretive film at the beautiful Lewis and Clark Theater. Cape Disappointment truly did not disappoint; with its 70+ inches of rain annually, the temperate rain forest was in its full glory.

After a delicious lunch of salmon chowder, we ventured into the historic town of Astoria for the afternoon. We watched California sea lions bark and cuddle on the pier, then we entered the Columbia River Maritime Museum to learn about the difficulty and danger of crossing the Columbia River Bar, also known as the “Graveyard of the Pacific.” Guests had their choice of additional time to learn about the Coast Guard at the museum, saunter into town, or visit the Astoria Column.

Before and after a delicious halibut dinner we were wowed by photographic presentations and Lewis and Clark history from our expert staff. It was a jam-packed and glorious day at the mouth of the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean!

We honor the Chinook and Clatsop people on this Indigenous Peoples Day.