This was the first day of October and the last day of our extraordinary voyage down the Snake and Columbia Rivers. We spent the day in the region around the mouth of the Columbia River, including the seaside town of Astoria. Our morning was rainy and gray—the perfect weather to experience the Pacific Northwest Coast as Lewis and Clark did during their stay here in the winter of 1805 to 1806. Just before breakfast we were treated to the sight and sounds of a humpback whale right off the bow of the ship! California sea lions and a harbor seal were also swimming nearby.

Our first exploration of the day was at Fort Clatsop, the site where the Lewis and Clark Expedition hunkered down for several months. We enjoyed the museum there and a lovely nature walk through the temperate rainforest. Next, we visited the beautiful Astoria Column, which stands 125 feet high over the town. We spent time at the Columbia River Maritime Museum, learning about the deadly Columbia River Bar.

In the afternoon, we split into two groups. One went across the majestic Astoria-Megler Bridge, north into Washington, to visit Cape Disappointment. The ocean was tempestuous there, and the group got a great view out over it from the cape. The museum had many fine exhibits on Lewis and Clark. The other group went on an expedition landing craft cruise of the John Day River. We saw Osprey, Bald Eagles, and Belted Kingfishers. We also got a close-up look at some interesting houseboats along the river.

In the evening we enjoyed our group photo slide show and had our last cocktail hour and dinner together. What a great week!