Today is the first of many days that we will spent at sea. Throughout this remarkable journey we will have ample opportunities to take in the immensity of the Atlantic Ocean as well as learn more about the currents, the weather, and the life that has made this place their habitat.

By sunrise we are heading in a north, slightly east, direction and Staten Island can be seen silhouetted aft and on the starboard side the ship. The seas are gentle and coming from the west, which is the norm here.

There are a number of presentations throughout the day. Just after breakfast there is a chance to become more acquainted with the internet service on the ship and this is followed by David Barnes with his talk entitled, “Thomas Bridges and the Anglican Mission in Ushuaia.” After a cup of coffee and maybe some chats with fellow shipmates there is a presentation on photography. Our photo team gives us an introductory talk and this is followed by several breakout sessions that are tailored to our own particular needs.

During the afternoon there are two more talks: “Goin’ with the Flow: Circulation of the Atlantic Ocean” followed by “An Introduction to Patagonia.”

Of course throughout the day there are mealtimes, there will be no lack of food on this voyage. 

This first day is also a chance for us to get to know the ship, our home for the next four weeks, and the best way to do this is just to get lost and then try to unravel that situation and learn along the way. In a few days most of us will have gotten a hang of things and will be able to get around quite easily. A good number of us head up to the bridge; a good place to see the seabirds, have a chat with the officers, and generally have a good time. The open bridge policy on our ships is one of the more remarkable Lindblad legacies and greatly appreciated by us.

After the last presentation we get ready for the Captain’s Welcome Cocktails, where there is an opportunity to get to know some of the officers on the ship, the Welcome Dinner follows this.

Before heading for our night’s rest, the movie Around Cape Horn is shown in the lounge or, if we prefer, it can be seen from the comfort of our staterooms.

It has been a good first day of our adventure, and we are looking forward to what is in store for us tomorrow.