It’s hard to believe how the time has flown by. It seems like yesterday when we were meeting each other in Buenos Aires, making new friends, and preparing for the trip of a lifetime. It’s funny now that none of the talk seems to be centered on the mishaps of the trip, but rather the camaraderie and excitement that only a classic sea voyage such as this can bring. Conversations center around the highlights of the last few days, and as you would expect at this point, the inevitability of home (and land), returning from adventure. 

The trip has offered wonderful wildlife viewing the entire voyage, and today was no different. Almost sensing the passengers dismay at the idea of returning home, she offered up a wonderful assortment of wildlife to distract us as we continue our push north towards Madeira. First, an announcement of dolphins came from the bridge after lunch and we all scampered to catch a glimpse off the bow. Not to be outdone by their smaller cousins, Sei whales appeared soon after and the crew on the bridge did a wonderful job of keeping us onlookers positioned perfectly as we watched them continue their travels on to destinations that we can only imagine. 

In between enjoying views from around the ship we were entertained by wonderful lectures from the expedition team and unfortunately the last nightly Recap of the voyage. Fittingly, it ended with laughter and applause, complimenting those who have guided us on this journey and helped us along the way. Tomorrow we’ll be greeted with our last sea day, and I’m sure all will take the chance to enjoy the peace that only the open sea can bring.