This morning, we awoke to rather strong southeasterly headwinds, blowing close to 30 knots, and the ship certainly had some good rock and roll motion.

National Geographic Photo Expert Michaela Skovranova gave an excellent talk entitled, “Story Telling: What is the Story You Would Like to Share?”, in which she gave some great hints and tips about how to tell your story through a series of photographs. This was followed by a presentation from Naturalist Ron Leidich called, “Full Moon Lovers and Sex in the Sea”, where he talked all about marine life reproduction on coral reefs.

After lunch, conditions improved, and during afternoon tea we had a fun team trivia session with Naturalist Adam Woolcott. At 6 pm, we had a final farewell from the captain of National Geographic Orion and had a cocktail party to celebrate the conclusion of an incredible voyage.