The first sea day of our voyage kicked off with the sun peeking through the clouds illuminating the sky with hues of pink and orange. Undersea Specialist Brett then taught us all about “Fish Families” and the underwater creatures we have experienced so far. We were then greeted by red-footed and brown boobies soaring in large aggregations and plunge diving on schools of fish, as well as petrels and noddies making their way across the ocean in search of their next feast. This was perfect timing for guests to join Naturalist Adam in the lounge for his presentation on “Avian Physiology” giving an insight into the evolution of birds.

During a relaxing afternoon of reading and siestas, Expedition Leader Lisle gently woke National Geographic Orion up as we were graced with a blue whale sighting off the bow. Traditional Navigator Tua then took us all on a journey into the history of Pacific migration with his presentation “Austronesia to Polynesia” while we snacked on freshly made scones, jam, and cream.

Tonight’s recaps during cocktail hour were beautifully summed up with a quote from Undersea Specialist Brett, “Sea days are not transportation, but a destination themselves.”