“For I say there is no other thing that is worse than the sea is for breaking a man, even though he may be a very strong one” – Homer

We’re now well and truly in Drake’s Passage. Thankfully the swell hasn’t been too bad, although there is still a pitch and roll which has declined throughout the day. The atmosphere was pretty relaxed with most of us choosing to relax in the lounge and rest areas before facing the daunting task of stuffing everything back into suitcases and checking to see if outerwear has lost the smell of guano.

The schedule was kept busy with tours of the galley and then presentations about living and working on Antarctic research stations, how humans have caused climate change and how these impacts are causing, and will continue to cause, serious shifts on our planet. But, it finished with some positive notes on how we can reduce our impacts. Jonathan then finished the afternoon off with a presentation on his travels through all of the United States National Parks. After dinner we had a photo critique session by the onboard photographers, where hopefully everyone managed to find some useful feedback from the review of submitted guest photos.

Throughout the day we did see some seabirds, including the black browed albatross.