Even the best maps struggle to communicate the scale of landscapes like Antarctica; it takes a visit to truly understand the sheer scale of the vast ice shelves and the enormous glaciers. Even the relatively small island of South Georgia is dwarfed by giant mountain peaks that can only be comprehended when you sail into a bay. And so it is with the sea, even in this fast-paced world the sea between South Georgia and the Falkland Islands takes two days to cross.

No day is wasted during an expedition. In between cleaning gear to avoid environmental contamination between the two islands, we learned about the soundscapes of the oceans courtesy of whale expert Jonny Reid, and historian Stephen Fisher explained the complicated history of the Falklands War and his personal connection to these remote islands. After a group discussion on the effects of climate change on the fragile environment we have travelled, expedition leader Bud briefed us on our plans once we reach Stanley. After an energizing dinner, we turned in, ready for our adventures tomorrow.