Still aglow from our recent visit to the Fijian islands, National Geographic Orion pointed east toward our next destination—the splendors of Tonga. Turning our focus toward better understanding our upcoming destinations, the day began with a lesson in photography. With the myriad of camera types on board, and a range of photographers ranging from storied professionals to eager beginners, our photo team set out to make sure everyone is ready for the events of our continuing journey.

Next up was our global perspective guest speaker Tim Severin, an adventurer of great renown who has retraced the steps of some of the greatest journeys ever recorded in man’s history. Today he recanted his initial voyage which set out to prove that an Irish monk may have been the first to reach the Americas long before Columbus ever had the thought in his mind. Following in the afternoon was a photography perspective by National Geographic and Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Jay Dickman. Exampling the importance of narrative, immediacy of finding the moment and an overall look at his career—we were all in awe of his ability to capture the grace and breadth of the human experience. Well learned and even better fed, we rest certain of the experiences yet to come.