We began the day by adjusting our watches one hour ahead, signaling the approach of South Georgia. We not only knew it, but we felt it. National Geographic Explorer was navigating the Antarctic Convergence Zone, with the air growing cooler and a shroud of fog enveloping us, increasing the mystique of entering Antarctic waters.

We were not alone in the ocean. Birds continued to gracefully glide around the ship, providing guests with opportunities to engage in the latest pastime: the identification game. "Is this albatross a royal or a wandering?" "Look, a Wilson’s storm petrel!" "Which kind of prion is this?" While we anticipated the presence of birds, the abundance of massive tabular icebergs on the way from the Falklands to South Georgia took us by surprise.

Approaching South Georgia also means a singular but crucial word: biosecurity! Once again, every single person on board was in line for vacuuming pockets, inspecting Velcro, and scrubbing boots. Hours later, with the task completed, we could finally relax in the lounge and immerse ourselves in captivating stories shared by the staff. We heard the charming tale of a snowflake transforming into a tabular iceberg. After a tea break, we learned about the epic first crossing of South Georgia by Shackleton, Worsley, and Crean.

Speaking of which, in just a few hours, we are set to arrive at King Haakon Bay – the exact point where this story either began or ended. But that will be tomorrow. Today, we raise our glasses and toast to another wonderful day spent at sea.