After spending the entire night under sail along the coast of Greece, we continued sailing throughout the morning. Early risers were rewarded with yet another gorgeous sunrise, and our full day at sea commenced at a leisurely pace. Photos proved unable to capture the beauty of the Ionian Sea, as the strong mid-morning sunlight danced along the surface of moderate swells. The deep cerulean hue of the waves, contrasting the occasional froth whipped up by the steady winds, was mesmerizing, and many spent the morning simply admiring the stunning seascape. Following our relaxing morning, lunch featured a Sea Cloud favorite: fresh pasta, tossed in a hollowed-out wheel of cheese, the sides expertly scraped to provide a savory accompaniment to the pasta alongside from-scratch Bolognese or pesto sauce.

This day of leisure, however, was not lacking in optional activities. Photographic instructor Linda offered a mid-morning presentation on creative outlets for digital photographs, and in the afternoon our Greek guides, Gemma and Maria, held an informal question-and-answer session on topics concerning Greece, focusing primarily on the country’s current economic situation. The closing of shipboard accounts was softened by afternoon tea featuring homemade ice cream and various other delicacies.

The day’s highlight, however, was the evening cocktail and four-course farewell dinner, occurring alongside one final, spectacular Greek sunset. Afterward, a slideshow of guests’ images played on the lido deck, and contact information was exchanged as guests bid farewell to their Sea Cloud companions, hoping paths will cross again in the future.