The sea was glass-calm this morning. The sailors went aloft, and we were at full sail by 10AM. Just after the justifiably famous Sea Cloud pasta wheel lunch, a strong squally developed on the starboard side with strong winds and heavy intermittent rain blowing perfectly from the east. We all rushed out to the spanker deck as our sails were billowing, filled with wind. We went from 2 knots per hour in minutes to 7.2 knots. It was exhilarating and we all reveled in the fact that we were at sea in a ship designed for such weather.

We cut through the white caps with such ease and there was barely a movement on deck. We were at sea, transported back in time on a ship designed to mimic the great clipper ships of the mid-19th century. It was exhilarating and it was apparent as we looked up at the gleaming, billowing sails. Tonight, our captain introduced his officers and then our expedition leader John Frick spoke about the wonders of our journey. Lastly, we enjoyed the captain’s farewell dinner.