This expedition along the west coast of Africa has been filled with many images and impressions. Now that National Geographic Explorer is beginning to make her way slightly to the northwest instead of due west, the climate will begin to change. The oceanic currents that run along the west coast of Africa change as you move north. Our journey began in South Africa where the Benguela and Alghulas    currents meet. We then encountered the Guinea current which swept us west to the southerly Canary current. These water currents make certain areas of the African coast some of the most productive fisheries in the world. We have witnessed the different fishing vessels and techniques along the coast as some countries receive more of the benefit of these upwelling currents than others.

We learned about these currents in one of the presentations offered on board. There was also time for downloading photographs or catching up on our journals. Later in the day the weather was nice enough that we enjoyed drinks on the bow of the ship before we headed inside for Recap, a chance to talk about things we had seen from the previous day and topics to be raised about our next country visit: The Gambia, the smallest continental country in Africa. The adventure continues.