As everyone enjoyed a nice, leisurely sleep-in this morning, we awoke to sailing the Banda Sea. Some partook in a morning workout, others a spot of coffee, but all of our guests and staff alike were sure to enjoy the first talk of the day with Tom Ritchie in the lounge. His spicy presentation was a great start to the day as everyone learned about the internationally connected history of our next enticing destination: the fabled Spice Islands, Bandas.

Shortly after, Tom was followed by our fantastic photography fanatics, photo instructor Ian Strachan and National Geographic photographer Jason Edwards for an illuminating presentation on photography and how to make the most out of guests’ personal camera gear.

While we were all having a sumptuous lunch, provided by the gallant galley gang, guests enjoyed some afternoon sunshine and some leisurely digestion until a very exciting announcement came over the public announcement system declaring that we were going to be making a stop in the middle of the blue! Some spontaneous snorkelers, exploratory divers, and even our enthusiastic Captain Lyubo Garciyanov, clad in his whites, decided to take a dip as they all dived into the big blue sea.

Bubbles, comb jellies, and curious sea dwellers were spotted during our dunk.

After our fun-filled stop, guests took a fresh water rinse and joined our Global Perspectives Guest Speaker, Lawrence Blair, for an enticing talk entitled “Indonesia: Island of Waking Dreams.”

While afternoon tea was served, our National Geographic photographer Jason Edwards finished off the lecture program with his presentation: “Icebergs to Iguanas” in which he explained his adventurous career as a photographer.

We were all invited back into the lounge for the day’s recap and briefing, with underwater video and photos from our undersea specialist Mike Greenfelder and National Geographic photographer Jason Edwards, as well as tips and tales of Banda Neira from our Global Perspectives Guest Speaker, Valerie Taylor. After admiring a beautifully blood-orange, moon-lit seafood buffet at the outdoor café, guests were invited to watch Lawrence Blair’s film, “Spice Island Saga.”

It was certainly a remarkable day at sea as we end a great day and await the continuing adventures that tomorrow inevitably brings.