When you see the Southern Cross for the first time,

You understand now why you came this way,

'Cause the truth you might be running from is so small,

But it's as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day!

                        - Crosby, Stills, and Nash

As National Geographic Orion heads for Com, Timor Leste, all aboard settle into their new shipboard routine. Calm seas allow us to fully enjoy this new leisure pace and for those who are unaccustomed to the motion of the ocean it’s a chance to “grow sea legs.” Our day passes with plenty of opportunities to attend presentations about topics ranging from photography to Wandjina art, with a proper English tea thrown in for good measure.

A day at sea gives us all the chance to explore the ship, enjoy quiet spaces like the library and observation lounge, get a massage or wellness treatment, have scrumptious meals, and make new friends. We are a bit of an eclectic crowd as guests and crew hail from many different countries including the Philippines, the U.K., Germany, Holland, Bulgaria, Romania, Switzerland, the Ukraine, South Africa, the USA, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, and of course, lots of Australians!

Perhaps the most magical time of the day came right at sunset as Captain Mike Taylor opened the bow for guests to enjoy our approach to Com. Golden light bathed the ship as the setting sun illuminated the Timor Leste shoreline. For unbelievers as well as those in-the-know conditions were perfect for that almost mythical optical phenomenon known as “the green flash.” Much to our delight the sun turned a brilliant green just before setting, converting the disbelievers into ardent supporters. Several cameras captured the moment as proof for those who couldn’t believe their own eyes.

Clearing customs into Com, we were greeted by local vendors displaying their handmade crafts, all by the headlights of two trucks parked at either end of the dock. As the National Geographic Orion turned back towards Australia, the Milky Way shimmered in a perfectly cloudless night sky. With absolutely no light pollution the Southern Cross beckoned us towards Wyndham. Tomorrow promises to be another adventurous day at sea…