Our day began with morning stretches led by Lani on the sundeck, invigorating us for the journey ahead. Early risers enjoyed coffee in the observation lounge before a delicious breakfast in the outdoor café.

The morning's highlight was a captivating presentation by Naturalist Adam Woolcott entitled, "Cetaceans Revealed," which offered fascinating insights into these magnificent marine mammals.

After lunch in the outdoor café, Naturalist Martin Cohen enthralled us with, "The Batavia – A Maritime Horror Story," sharing the gripping tale of this historic shipwreck. Afternoon tea followed, providing a delightful interlude.

In the late afternoon, Cultural Specialist Julia Esteve presented, "Music and Dances of Indonesia," immersing us in the rich cultural heritage of our destination.

The evening featured cocktails, a recap of the day, and a preview of tomorrow's activities. Dinner in the restaurant was a delightful culinary experience, followed by, "Story Time with Kennedy," where our National Geographic expert shared readings from his favorite authors.