Here we are on route to the Marquesas Islands, traveling as fast as we can and riding over an unexpectedly gentle Pacific Ocean. Yesterday we left behind the pristine Tuamotus Archipelago after a fantastic two days visiting Rangiroa and Fakarava Atolls. If the wind and current favor us, our destination tomorrow will be the pristine island of Fatu Hiva, the most southern island in the Marquesas Archipelago.

Today we had the opportunity to recharge and prepare for the intense few expeditions days ahead, and to enjoy the company of our fellow shipmates. We are very fortunate to be traveling with a great group of guest speakers whom we had the chance to listen to and learn from during their presentations scheduled throughout the day.

Several of the guests opted to spend some time out on deck, searching for sea birds and any other kind of wildlife, or even to simply enjoy the calm ocean breeze with the mesmerizing deep-blue color of the waters ahead. Occasionally sea birds such as frigate birds, brown boobies, and Tahitian petrels were spotted flying nearby, but my personal challenge was to photograph the flying fish which gracefully were “flying” away when disturbed by the ship’s motion. I must admit that I failed on my task, but there are many days ahead to improve my photographic technics with equal opportunities to encounter more of them in the near future.

Days at sea are a joy when traveling on board National Geographic Orion, as there are so many activities to choose from. From presentations to ice cream on deck, they all lead us to a wonderful sunset to watch while holding a cocktail on hand!