A day at Sea! A time to rest, or sort through photos, or attend talks and presentations, perhaps a time to reflect. We have just left one of the most amazing wildlife spectacles on this planet; South Georgia.  People speak of the Artic, the Galapagos, Baja California, Southeast Alaska, Indonesia and the Western Pacific, Madagascar, the Australian outback, and the Serengeti. They all have amazing sights to behold. South Georgia is also one of these places that is overwhelming in its ability to impress.  There are perhaps 30 million seabirds on South Georgia. No one knows for sure but the abundance of krill, squid and fish supply these millions of birds with the ability to survive and prosper here in a place that humans would call inhospitable.

A low-pressure system was sweeping along the coast of the island so we decided to head around it and away from and towards our next destination, The Falkland Islands. The journey will take more than two days, but this is valuable time to make sure our cameras and equipment are ready for the next adventure.  There were a few birds to see amongst the waves but it was a rocky crossing. The Southern Ocean can be challenging and we are going from the east to the west, known as the “wrong way” in the age of sail. Modern ships with proper weather predictions have much better information and ability to make crossings at high latitudes more comfortable for their guests. We look forward to our next stop and more wildlife viewing closer to South America.