A year in the Amazon can be divided into two main seasons, high water and low water. The levels of the rivers and lakes influence every aspect of our journey, deciding where we go and what we do. Most of this change is due to the amount of rain falling in the Andes, with some influence by local conditions. Currently, we are in the month where the river is highest. This also usually coincides with the rainiest month locally. You certainly wouldn’t know it from this week however!

Waking to our fifth sunny day in a row, we started with a skiff ride and kayaking in Atun Poza. Here, a large oxbow lake leads to a stream/lake system that seems to be never ending. By now, we are seasoned veterans at spotting and identifying wildlife, and today we were treated to many more squirrel monkeys, monk saki, sloths, and iguanas. Birds, of course were abundant, and we revisit old friends and also have new encounters. Too many to detail, our diverse list of bird sightings continues to grow. As well, our memory cards fill with stunning images.

After traveling downriver much of the midday, we reach a beautiful narrow stream called Belluda Caño. Here, we again board the skiffs for our final wildlife ride. Squirrel monkeys are everywhere, and we spend long periods of time sitting quietly while they forage in the late afternoon light. I could never get bored watching the antics of acrobatic squirrel monkeys. We also enjoyed caiman lizards, toucans, and a snoozing yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat.  

We exited back onto the mighty Ucayali River and once again we were spoiled with a marvelous orange sunset. The stars were again fantastic, a pumpkin moon arose, and the harmonious crew finished another glorious day with a fond farewell.